- Action Accessories Headache Racks

Delete - Action Accessories Headache Racks
Action Accessories Headache Racks are a breed apart, but they turn heads. These quality, laser cut headache racks are the most unique racks on the road today. Not only do they have an exceptional look, but they also are manufactured with the quality to deliver on the job! Headache Racks are great custom truck accessories that add style and protection to your truck. Action Headache racks are bolted to your truck bed and are located behind the cab of your truck. Headache racks are also called cab protectors. Don't put your rear glass at risk. An Action Headache Rack is designed to shield vulnerable glass edges while it protects the rest of your window and cab. There are several styles of headache racks including Flat Iron, Round Tube, Heavy Duty Lighted, Tool Box Headache Racks. These heavy duty racks come in many materials and colors including chrome, stainless steel, white powder coat and black powder coat finishes. Headache Racks increases security for driver and passengers. Action headache racks are constructed from heavy duty flat or round steel for a low profile look. Most racks have vertical uprights that extend above the top cross bar. This allows users to carry long cargo over the headache rack without having to worry about it sliding off the side. Headache Racks are very popular in the southwest because most racks have bars or uprights that shield the cab and keep it cool.
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